Bioprocess Technology
Central Carolina's AAS in Bioprocess Technology will provide the theoretical background and hands-on experience for students seeking a career in biopharmaceutical manufacturing as well as provide current pharmaceutical employees the opportunity for promotion and bachelor’s degree transfer.
Program Highlights
- Hybrid/Blended and Online courses: Face-to-face hands-on lab hours (day and evening) combined with online learning provides maximum flexibility
- Personalized, one-on-one advising
- BioWork Certificate: short-term industry credential, eligible for state processing technician exam, translates in credit for BPM 110 (5 credits) and PTC 110 (3 credits)
- Certificate, Diploma, and Associates in Applied Science options for bachelor’s degree transfer. East Carolina University offers a transfer option into the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology program (online option available).
The Bioprocess Technology curriculum is designed to prepare individuals to work as process operators in biological manufacturing facilities like the biopharmaceutical industry. Employment opportunities exist in the Central Carolina region and extend state-wide into regional biotechnology hubs like Research Triangle Park near Raleigh/Durham with starting salaries around $55,000.
Program Outcomes
- Explain how the structure and function of molecules apply to making pharmaceuticals.
- Evaluate how the properties of molecules impact pharmaceutical production.
- Demonstrate routine biotechnology techniques, including buffer preparation, media preparation, and aseptic technique.
- Explain how the manufacturer of pharmaceuticals is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and other international regulatory agencies and how quality systems assure the safety, purity, identity, consistency, potency, and stability of a product.
- Construct a pathway analyzing how a drug or biologic is produced by genetically engineered cells and subsequently purified.
- Demonstrate collaborative problem-solving and disciplined attention to detail.
Upon successful completion of the program, individuals should possess the necessary skills to qualify for employment in a variety of Bioprocessing industries.

College Admissions
- Department Chair Dr. Lisa Smelser (919) 718-7305 Lee Main Campus, Wilkinson 26
- Instructor Dr. Brenda Grubb (919) 718-7064 Lee Main Campus, Wilkinson 31
- Instructor Dr. Trudy Hall (919) 718-7490 Lee Main Campus, Wilkinson 50
- Pathway Navigator Gregg Parr (919) 718-7093 Lee Main Campus, Lett 08
Program Info Sheets
Curriculum Guides
Short-Term Training
Please Note:
Curriculum guides are for students enrolled during the current academic year. Students enrolled in a previous academic year should visit the Program Evaluation link in Self-Service to find the required list of courses for graduation. For assistance, consult your advisor.