Embark: Career Interest Inventory


This quick career inventory is designed to show you career choices that match up with your personal interests and may help you confirm your choice of major or give you thoughts about other career possibilities.

This is not a test, so there are no right or wrong answers.

The survey will take about 5-10 minutes.

Try not to think about:

  • Whether you have enough education or training to do the work
  • How much money you would make performing the activity

Simply think about whether you would "LIKE" or "DISLIKE" performing the work activity

Take your time answering the questions, there is no need to rush, however your first impression is often the correct impression.

  • This inventory is adapted from the O*NET Interest Profiler™, version 3.0, developed by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). More information about the O*NET can be found at online.onetcenter.org. This assessment should be used for career exploration, career planning, and vocational counseling purposes only.