Brandi Hernandez | |
Director of Purchasing, Purchasing | |
Hockaday Hall | 919-718-7419 |
Lee Main Campus | bhernandez@cccc.edu |
4 record(s) were found.
Hernandez, Brandi | 919-718-7419 | Director of Purchasing | bhernandez@cccc.edu |
Hernandez, Martha | Custodian Coordinator | mhern179@cccc.edu |
Hernandez, Oscar | 919-718-7299 | YEA Juntos Coordinator | ohern032@cccc.edu |
Hernandez Luciano, Karmisha | (919) 718-7463 | VUB Assistant Programs Director | khern141@cccc.edu |
If your information is listed incorrectly, please contact Jessica Gonzalez: jgonz257@cccc.edu.