7 record(s) were found.
Brown, Meghan | 919-718-7422 | Vice President, Advancement and Operations | mbrown@cccc.edu |
Byington, Scott | 919-718-7425 | Associate Vice President, Onboarding and Advising | sbyington@cccc.edu |
Crittenden, Felicia | 919-718-7360 | Associate Vice President, Workforce Development & Continuing Education | fcrittenden@cccc.edu |
Dishman, Marcie | 919-718-7491 | Associate Vice President of Marketing and External Relations | mdishman@cccc.edu |
Hoyle, Ken | 919-718-7436 | Vice President of Student Services | khoyle@cccc.edu |
Roberton, Margaret | 919-718-7447 | Vice President for Workforce Development/Chief of Staff | mroberton@cccc.edu |
Short, Kristi | 919-718-7426 | Vice President/Chief Academic Officer | kshort@cccc.edu |
If your information is listed incorrectly, please contact Jessica Gonzalez: jgonz257@cccc.edu.