Culinary & Hospitality Arts
Culinary Arts Curriculum Degree (A.A.S)
The curriculum is designed to prepare students for local purchasing, sustainability, and the health focus demand of the Culinary Industry. Curriculum Degree
Culinary Arts Continuing Education/Camps/Natural Chef Programs
Students experience hands-on professional development in the areas of sustainability, nutrition, whole foods, culinary technology, sanitation, knife skills, and restaurant management as well as many other areas of culinary operations. Continuing Education
Natural Chef Cafe
The Natural Chef Cafe is located on the Chatham Main Campus. The cafe is student-operated and hours based on class schedules.
Cougar Cafe
The Cougar Cafe is located on the Lee Main Campus. The Cafe is student-operated and hours based on class schedules each semester.
Dunn Center Cafe
The Dunn Center Cafe is located in the Dunn Center. The cafe is student-operated and hours based on class schedules each semester.
Social Media
- Regina Minter
- Department Chair for Culinary Arts & Hospitality
- (919) 718-7510